Eat Turkey Burgers

Turkey burgers are delicious and really easy to make. I make a ton at a time, but they still don’t last long because my friends inhale them. 

You can reheat them but I usually eat them cold, generally while I’m on the road, because it’s hard to find good protein that you don’t have to eat with a fork and a knife.

And of course I don’t eat bread with my turkey burgers, but I have wrapped them in spinach before.

Okay so easiest recipe ever:

2 pounds ground turkey (organic)

1 cup craisins

1 cup chopped walnuts

Mix all the ingredients together and form into patties. Then cook in a skillet over medium heat until done!

That’s it! Super easy and tastes like Thanksgiving!


Questions? Comments? All are welcome.


Eat Spinach for Breakfast

I know what a lot of you are thinking. 

“I really don’t like spinach.”

“That sounds disgusting.”

“I don’t eat breakfast.”

Yes, I’ve heard it all. A person is supposed to have 6-8 cups of greens per week, so if you eat one cup of greens per day then you’re covered. And I like to drink my spinach.

So many people drink smoothies and this is my own smoothie recipe that I used to drink all the time, it’s how I started to lose weight almost two years ago. It may look disgusting but it’s actually delicious and filling. 

Okay so ingredients:

1 cup spinach (or kale)

1 banana

1 tbsp almond butter or peanut butter

1 apple

1 cup blueberries



All these ingredients go into the blender together. If you don’t like blueberries then use strawberries or peaches or anything really. If you don’t want to use apples use pears or something else. The point is you can substitute things. 


Add enough water so you can actually blend it. I always have to take a spoon and mix it around a bunch before it will blend completely. 


The taste of the spinach will be completely covered up by the fruit (promise). And the fruit makes the whole thing very sweet if you’re one of those who need something sweet for breakfast. 

There are no excuses for not eating your greens!

I welcome questions or comments.

Happy Monday!

Eat Vegetables (easily)

Preparing for my week always involves cooking a ton of vegetables, usually I only cook a couple times a week, it really cuts down on time in the kitchen. My main source of carbohydrates is vegetables (and yours should be too). So yesterday I cut up several carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes and I threw in some red bell peppers my roommate gave me and roasted all of it together in the oven.

This is what I started out with:

Carrots, zucchini and sweet potatoes

Before beginning to chop everything up I turned the oven on to 425 degrees.

Chopped up veggies

After chopping up all the veggies I put the zucchini, carrots and bell peppers onto a large cookie sheet and poured a couple tablespoons of olive oil over them and then just mixed them up with my hands to make sure everything was well coated with the oil. Then, I sprinkled on some natural sea salt and garlic powder, however you could add any spices you like (just not sugar on those sweet potatoes, but cinnamon is completely fine). I repeated the process with the sweet potatoes but kept them separate from the other veggies because they often take longer to cook.

I cooked the veggies for 15 minutes and kept the sweet potatoes in for a bit longer, about 18 minutes.

Finished Product

This usually makes enough for me to have about five meals, which is enough for three days. Separating them into smaller tuperware or snack bags can help you see how long your veggies will last.

Cooking veggies everyday can be a pain and eating salads all the time gets boring, so you can cook all different kinds of vegetables using different spices to mix things up.